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What is health?

Updated: May 12, 2022

Health is ease of flow of items into and out of the body. We intake nutrients, air, water, minerals, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates and a host of other nutrients. As well as, thoughts, ideas, friendship, love, respect, mental stimulation, spiritual stimulation.

We detox and excrete urine, breath, stools, mucus, sweat, menses, bad feelings, fixations, addictions, coercions, intimidations, fetish, manias, compulsions, spiritual doubts and a host of excretions.

Life is a cycle of intake, chew absorb or reject, assimilate, produce toxins, detox, and start anew. This is the need to survive. Add further to this the need to reproduce and now enters our sexual needs. All of this results in a very complex flow of energies in and out, in cycles.

The levels of a person include the body, mind, spirit, social, and environmental factors. It is impossible to separate these or to know where one starts and another stops. Thus, these parts cannot be reduced or analysed separately. When there is ease of flow of things in these levels the person is in health.


Disease starts when a stressor or intrusion causes a disruption in the flow. The ease is now dis-ease. The causes of disease or possible stressors are lack of awareness, stress, trauma, injury, heredity, pathogens, allergies, deficiency or excess of nutrients, mental factors, perverse energy (electrical pollution).

When these enter the body, they disrupt the ease of flow. This produces an ALARM reaction phase as the body is trying to deal with the incoming stress. Thus, the symptom is a sign of the ALARM reaction. If we fight the symptom not the cause, we stop healing.

For example, when our child is exposed to a stress (like a bacterium from another child) a symptom presents, such as a sore throat. The symptom is sign of a disease in flow. The allopathic medical doctor fights the symptom by trying to block some other flow. He uses an anti-pyretic for fever, MAO inhibitors for depression, serotonin uptake blockers for despair, calcium blockers for heart problems, etc.

Our child with the sore throat might have a toxin or nutritional deficiency as the deeper cause of the sore throat. The body is attempting to detox and stimulate the immune system with the symptom. The body is trying to cure itself and everything would be all right, but then the doctor prescribes an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory. The body’s own attempts for healing and detox are thwarted. The disease is driven deeper. The symptom goes away but the cause lingers and another disease, more insidious than the first continues to develop.

As the stress continues the body acclimates and goes into the ADAPTATION phase. Here the symptom goes away from familiarization. But the disease progresses deeper. BEING SYMPTOM FREE IS NOT A SIGN OF HEALTH. In fact, you can be symptom free and quite sick.

The flow of a SCIO treatment serves to reduce or remove the cause of disease.

1. The first step in healing involves raising the awareness of the clients present, past and future lifestyle choices. Taking responsibility for their behaviour, toxin elimination and allergy treatment will help to prepare the body for healing.

2. Repairing the damaged organs resulting from the disease and unblocking the blockages of flow of energy in the body. Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and other medical arts are dedicated to unblocking unbalances of flow. The system can detect faults in the acupuncture meridian flow, the energetic make up, as well as the brain waves, and correct them.

3. Reducing the symptoms with natural methods and naturopathy.

5. Dealing with the constitutional make up or tendencies of the patient.

True medicine should be holistic medicine. Allopathy (conventional medicine) deals with the symptoms, we must as well but it should not be primary. The primary goal of the system is to stimulate the body to heal itself. Symptom reduction is the third priority. We try to prevent the disease from slipping further. We want true healing and long-term symptom reduction.

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