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SCIO explained for the technically minded

Illness can start as an energetic disturbance, which can be detected by the SCIO. The body's subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the body's subtle energies show up much earlier than overt physical disease.

If imbalances go uncorrected, eventually physical symptoms will erupt, and health problems and disease develop. As well as being an early system of prevention, keeping the subtle energies balanced helps to restore physical energy.

By interfacing with the subconscious, the device can access the deepest parts of the disease process for maximum medical results.

The SCIO scans the client's body much like a virus-scan on a computer, looking for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities and food sensitivities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities, emotional and mental stresses, which may be below conscious recognition. The reactions are not picked by the computer but are picked by the subconscious of the client.

The device gathers bio-energetic data from the body via fifty-five parameters simultaneously. This happens at biological speed, which is 1/100th second for each stimulus. This means that thousands of items can be screened for reaction from the body in a few minutes.

It is calibrated to measure the body’s subtle reactions to a database of biological, psychological and medical items in electro-magnetic form. The sensitivity is set so finely that it picks up the earliest sign of disease and distress.

With a feedback loop, the device measures your resonance pulse and sends back an alternate pulse to which your body responds. In turn, your body alters its own reactance pulse, thus creating a change. For example, from pain to no pain, malignant to benign, compulsive to anxiety-free, imbalance to balance. Due to the 'autofocus' function, the SCIO can adjust bio-feedback therapies to ensure and constantly adjust the correct settings during therapy.

Constant feedback features allow the SCIO to change the settings of amplification and frequencies. This allows the device to cease therapy automatically as soon as the subject's reactions show that maximum effectiveness has been achieved.

The energetic imbalances are identified by the SCIO in order of the body's priorities. Treatment is thus similar to peeling an onion; each session will work with the outermost layer. The SCIO applies the appropriate frequencies to help correct the imbalances and allow the body to shift gears into a state of greater health and vitality.

The therapeutic effects range from the mundane to the complex, from localized tooth pain to whole body health. It has a whole person focus, and communicates on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.

Sensors are attached by wires to the ankles, wrists and forehead that measure and feed resonance information between the SCIO and the client. The ionic exchanges of reaction that take place in your body and brain (at 1/100 of a second) are measured as energetic components in your body.

SCIO detects:

Allergens, Emotions, Meridians, Amino acids, Fatty acids, Minerals, Animal diseases, Flower Essences, Muscles, Aroma therapy oils, Foods, Organ sarcodes, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Blood Chemistry, Geopathics, Physic Energies, Bones, Herbs, Prions, Candida, Homeopathics-Isodes, Spiritual Energies, Chakras, Homeopathics-Nosodes, Toxins, Chromosomes, Homeopathics-Classical, Urine chemistry, Dental diseases & products, Homeopathics-Combinations, Venoms, Digestion, Hormones, Viruses, Diseases, Ligaments, Vitamins, Drugs, Miasmas, Worms, EEG,ECG, Brain wave.

SCIO Therapies:

  • Autofocus Therapies - Acupuncture, Chakra, Chiropractic, Color, Rife, Trivector (Bicom/Mora), Spiritual Healing, Biofeedback.

  • Specialist - Acupuncture, Craniosacral, Iridology, Brain wave, Allergen de-sensitization, Fat loss, TMJ, Eye, Hearing, Cholesterol, Sport, Beauty, Detoxification, Aging, Dental.

  • Emotional & Mental - NLP Individual, NLP Group, NLP family, Gestalt, Neuro net stabilization, Emotional Growth, Unconscious reactivity, Electro hypnosis.

  • Stress - Music, Biofeedback.

  • Focused - Degeneration, Injury, Pain, Metabolic repair, Hormonal, Neurological, Relaxation & Sleep, Digestive, Feel Good, Oxygenation, Muscle building, Flexibility, Co-ordination, Immune Stim, Chronic fatigue, Anti inflammation, Fibrositis, Intellect Stim, Physic abilities, stem Blood sugar, Parasymc NS, Sympathetic NS, Autonomic NS.

  • Testing - Nutritional Supplements and Homeopathics.

The subconscious indicates which treatment or remedies are most appropriate for each individual.

In order to get the most out of a SCIO session the client will need to accept responsibility for his/her health and be prepared to implement the recommended lifestyle changes.

It is important to understand that the healing, which begins immediately, may, or may not, be overtly perceptible for a while. The healing process may begin subtly on the inside, with small stimuli starting cascade reactions, which result in significant changes. While it is possible that some acute imbalances may be corrected in one session, a series of sessions will generally tend to be most beneficial.

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